Starting Somewhere

Every morning, I wake up wanting the day to go differently. This morning, with the foggy, sunless morning, I just wanted to get back in bed, wake up an hour later, then read my book for an hour or so before getting to the page, electronic and otherwise. I imagine this life as I step into my red All Stars and put on a blue shirt that complements my skin tone and I imagine that I'm excited because I have a job that can support me and my husband as he goes to school. I appreciate my job for that. But I long for something different (better?) and I feel it just beyond my periphery every day. So if I am able to do the things I've set my mind and heart ondoing, even as I let other things get in the way, I feel there is hope that I will find the new pathe I want to be on and still be financially stable.

That the dream, right? Write, work hard, and eventually you will be writing from home. I see the dream, kitten in my lap, laptop humming, coffee cup rings on my desk marking the time, looking forward to my husband coming home to tell me about his day.

Yeah, this is a bit wistful, but we all have to start somewhere, right?


BigBen said...

What can we, your adoring fans, do to help. I ask only because of my selfish desire to read what you write more regularly. What external motivators work for you? Do you need an email waiting every morning that encourages, or give a swift kick? A quote of the day text message, perhaps with some Josh N. style (fantastic and/or obscure) quote that provokes thought or encourages?
I would crack a whip, but first I'd have to make a hundred mile whip, then I would be so busy with the Guenness Book folks I would hardly have time to crack it...

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