Where the Hell Have You Been?

Let me start by saying that I didn't mean to be gone this long. It started out with needing to take a break as I re-evaluated my writing, hoping to come up with a way to write consistently on all of my sites. It began as a stop, turned into procrastination and then slid into inertia.

I'm good at that.

But, just as I'm surrounded by a great cloud of troublemakers ready to take up for my cause, I'm also surrounded by a great cloud of encouragers who push me to be the best writer I can be.

If you guys don't know it, it means a lot.

My husband has decided to help me up my game by buying me webhosting and a url. I will be writing about television at http://tvforbreakfast.com. It's a chance for me to hone the television writing part of myself and hopefully move me into either being paid to write for someone else or making money on my site. If nothing else, I will learn to be a webmaster, a promoter, a comedic writer and hopefully a short film director. This isn't the end all of what I want to do, but it's a beginning and a direction that I've always wanted to take my writing.

I have to thank Carey at Hey!Media! for getting me started. I'll still be writing there, just about things other than television. I just have to wrap my head around those other things, since I love television so much. I'm watching more movies, reading more books and soon, you'll be hearing from me on those things as well as music, comics, and video games.

How have I been? Tired, sad, slightly inebriated, overcoming, overwhelmed, overjoyed, encouraged... I love the people I have around me, both near and far, new and old. It's been so long... how have YOU been?


Anonymous said...

awe shucks. 'tweren't nothin'.


Anonymous said...

I have been old and far. I cannot drag myself out of my past lately... I love my now life (with a few exceptions), I love my family unconditionally, and I love the friends that I can still keep up with, but I long for the irresponsible days of youth. I have never been one to step too far out of character, and that is likely because I have created an almost all encompassing chracter, but lately it is easy to feel disconnected. I am happy, grateful, and a little astounded that I have kept in my life the few people that keep me grounded and free at the same time.

That is where I will leave it. Happy, grateful, astounded, grounded, and free.

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