Script Frenzy: Another Attempt At Craziness

So, I follow up my NaNoWriMo win (50, 781 words in 30 days) with a shot at something even harder, but exactly what I want to do ScriptFrenzy. ScriptFrenzy is the script writing arm of NaNoWriMo. This will be writing 100 pages in 30 days. Starting April 1, I will be hunkering down for hours per day trying to coax at least 4 pages a day our of myself.

It's harder than it sounds, thank you very much.

I will be writing two 30 minute specs - I'm not sure which now... Maybe you guys get to vote. Tomorrow or later today, I will put up the choices with a brief synopsis and you guys get to pick the two that I do. They will either be specs of show already on television or specs of my own original ideas. I want to do at least one that is already on and one that is my own. The one that is my own is the one I want to work on creating and completing in my hometown. The other one is the one I want to perfect and send to my contacts in Los Angeles and enter into contests.

I'm striving because I need to work for myself (I chafe under the rules of others) and still make enough money to keep us from being evicted while The Honey finishes school. I think it's time to get started!

PS, If you want to join me, go to


Kim Brackett said...

soso proud of you for doing this. I can't wait to see your success!!

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